Forthcoming Appearances
03/12/04 : Club Vixen. Rainbows, Coventry
04/12/04 : Torture Garden, London
09/12/04 : La Nuit Demonia. La Loco, Paris
11/12/04 : Kinkfest. Red Line Square. London
16/12/04 : Penthouse Xmas Party. London
18/12/04 : Vegas. Ego, Edinburgh
Past Appearances
- The Famous Spiegeltent (La Clique), UK
- Black Mass, London
- Rudegirls, London
- The Kroonkat Lounge, UK
- Torture Garden, UK
- Skin 2 Expo, UK
- Erotica, UK
- EXPO, Brighton, UK
- Hedonism 2, Jamaica
- The Whoopee Club, UK
- Dark City Festival, UK
- End of the Month Club, UK
- Club Noir, UK
- Stunners, UK
- Theatre D’ Essaion , Paris. France
- Vintage Varietease! UK