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This is where I keep various papers and essays that I have written from an academic viewpoint, on controversial subjects such as :

Alien Abdcuction Experience
Near-Death Experience

please click here for these articles (but forgive the layout - they have yet to be organised efficiently, and there are many more to come, including placebo efefcts and Remote Staring detection!!!)

My Portfolio
I've just posted my latest portfolio. I've chosen a selection of my favourite photographs from top photographers like Becky Randal, John Dietrich and Doralba Picerno. Check them out here.

La Rue Morgue On Saturday 19th March
I shall be the resident Vampyre Queen of the mysterious and infamous "Symphony of Pain"! An evening of decadent Vampyre Rock, Shock, Baroque.... I will be performing an elaborate Egyptian themed piece, ideal for those with a bitter/sweet palate.

The FlashMonkey On Saturday 24th Feb
I will be performing with the gorgeous Sophie Belle in a brand spanking new act with a Naughty Nautical Theme... ;) Be There!!!!!

Torture Garden On Saturday 12th Feb
I'm going to be performing with the Belles of Shoreditch at Torture Garden on Saturday 12th February. It seems that dastardly David TG has arranged to marry off me to another young lady! I'm looking forward to meeting you all there - on my big day ;o)

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Courtesan Mag
Presenting the world of fetish in a fun and informative way, check out my regular column.

Dragging fetish from the dungeon to the desktop, SinForums is the place where the fetish glitterati hang out.

Recently relaunched, SkinTwo Online is the worlds most popular latex and leather publication.

Torture Garden
The worlds most famous fetish club nights - anything goes!