Alien Abduction Experience
The Alien Abduction Experience
Science Fiction or Science Farce?
The phenomenon of the Alien Abduction Experience (AAE) is a prevailing, world wide issue that has proposed many problems for the scientific community in terms of establishing a parsimonious explanation. The interest for psychologists lies in its profound affect on individuals who report AAE and the implications that may have on the existing cultural tenets of the Western world view. The aetiology of the alien abduction experience is examined in relation to current theories; psychopathology, personality, psychodynamics, electromagnetism, hoaxes, false-memory syndrome (suggestibility, hypnotisability, fantasy proneness), and sleep disorders, in specific sleep paralysis. Subjects who have reported being victims of Alien Abduction(s) will hither to be referred to as experiencers (so as not to presume an actual alien abduction has taken place nor to imply deliberate deception on their part).